If you thought filming took time, you were wrong. Post-production is the phase when you edit all your raw footage to create the final vision of the film and truly give it the shape so envisioned.


There is a very common saying that All films are made on the editing table during post-production phase. How a film is edited together will influence it’s pacing and serve the story. Choices are made with music as well as visual and sound effects that enhance a viewer’s overall experience.


Post-production includes several creative decisions that make film-watching experience what it is by incorporating all the raw pieces from the production phase together and polishing their finer details. Every film production works differently, so there can be more or fewer steps depending on the requirement, but are generally divided into multiple steps, and usually involving different roles.


                    • Visual Effects
                    • Sound Effects
                    • Color Correction
                    • Graphics & Animation

Enngee Films can transform raw clips and video footage elements into high-quality, meaningful videos, woven together by creative methods to create a multi-sensory experience we call a film to inform, engage, and inspire their audiences.


Copyright EnnGee Films